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Dustin Hoffman
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5' 5 1/2"
'Lisa Gottsegen' (1980 - present); 4 children
'Anne Byrne' (3 May 1969 - 1980); 1 daughter & 1 stepdaughter
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trade mark

Famous for taking a wide range of difficult roles such as crippled street hustler in Midnight Cowboy, a woman in Tootsie and an austic idiot savant in Rain Man.
Has a reputation for being difficult to work with.


Was considered for the role of Michael Corlene in the Godfather.
While at the Pasadena Playhouse, Hoffman and a classmate were voted "Least likely to succeed". The classmate was Gene Hackman.
(January 1999) Awarded $3 Million in damages and compensation in a case against a Los Angeles magazine that printed a computer generated image of Hoffman in a dress. (cf. Tootsie (1982))
During the filming of Wag the Dog (1997) Hoffman, his co-star Robert De Niro and director Barry Levinson had an impromptu meeting with President Clinton at a Washington hotel. "So what's this movie about?" the president asked De Niro. De Niro looked over to Levinson hoping he would answer the question. Levinson, in turn, looked over to Hoffman. Hoffman, realizing there was no one else to pass the buck to, is quoted as saying "so I just started to tap dance. I can't even remember what I said."
(October 1997) Ranked #41 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list.
Father of Jake Hoffman.
Father of Rebecca Hoffman.
Father of Maxwell Hoffman.
Father of Jenna Byrne
His parents named him Dustin after actor Dustin Farnum

Dustin Hoffman stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
The Graduate 1967 NH Film Class 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
All The President's Men 1976 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Agatha 1979 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
Kramer Vs. Kramer 1979 Cine 1-2-3-4 1980-05-18 *
Tootsie 1982 Kim Ziegelmayer in Newington, NH 1983-01-24 **** 1/2
Ishtar 1987 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ***
Rain Man 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
Family Business 1989 With Adam 0000-00-00 *
Dick Tracy 1990 Midnight Sneak Preview at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Billy Bathgate 1991 With Trish at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Hook 1991 With Greta at Showcase North Haven 0000-00-00 **
Outbreak 1995 0000-00-00 ***
Wag the Dog 1997 2005-11-20 ** 1/2
Sphere 1998 2017-02-18 ***
Runaway Jury 2003 2004-03-28 ** 1/2
Confidence 2003 at Showcase Ornage 2003-05-09 ** 1/2
I Heart Huckabees 2004 Suzy on DVD 2005-04-08 * 1/2
Finding Neverland 2004 Family on DVD 2005-04-29 ***
Meet the Fockers 2004 Suzy on DVD 2005-05-06 ** 1/2
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events 2004 Kids on DVD 2005-05-14 ** 1/2
Racing Stripes 2005 family on DVD 2007-04-14 **
Stranger Than Fiction 2006 Suzy on DVD 2007-03-25 ** 1/2
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium 2007 Suzy & Hanna 2008-03-16 ** 1/2
Kung Fu Panda 2008 Kendra, Hanna & Lauren at Destina Middletown 2008-07-14 ** 1/2
Kung Fu Panda Secrets of the Furious Five 2008 Hanna 2008-12-13 **
The Tale of Despereaux 2008 Family 2009-04-03 **
Last Chance Harvey 2008 Suzy 2009-05-02 ** 1/2
Chef 2014 Suzy 2014-08-10 *** 1/2
Esio Trot 2014 Suzy and Hanna 2015-11-20 ***