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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Tootsie Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Kim Ziegelmayer in Newington, NH
Rating: PG Year: 1982 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Sydney Pollack Time: 119 min. Writer: Larry Gelbart & Murray Schisgal

Mine: Great film. Gets the reality of being an actor just right. Wonderful romance in a very different way. Great performances all around. Dustin is top notch. Powerful in it's overall effect. One of the funniest climax's ever!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Smashing comedy about an obnoxious N. Y. actor who finally lands a job--disguised as a woman--and soon finds himself a better person female than he ever was male! Farcical premise becomes totally credible thanks to razor-sharp script (credited to Larry Gelbart and Murray Schisgal, from Gelbart and Don McGuire's story), fine direction, and superlative performances all around--including director Pollack's as Hoffman's harried agent. Lange won Best Supporting Actress Oscar. Bill Murray's performance was unbilled in film. Film debut of Geena Davis. Panavision.
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Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman as:
Michael Dorsey
Jessica Lange Jessica Lange as:
Julie Nichols
Teri Garr Teri Garr as:
Dabney Coleman Dabney Coleman as:
Charles Durning Charles Durning as:
Les Nichols
Bill Murray Bill Murray as:
Sydney Pollack Sydney Pollack as:
George Fields
Geena Davis Geena Davis as:
Lynne Thigpen Lynne Thigpen as: