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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Outbreak Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Thriller
Director: Wolfgang Petersen Time: 127 min. Writer: Laurence Dworet & Robert Roy Pool

Mine: Kind of fun, but not much in the end. Some ggod work in the supporting cast.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Crusading military research medico Hoffman identifies a deadly virus that's somehow made its way from Africa to the U. S. Now he has to race against the clock to stop it from spreading--little dreaming that his Army superiors have an agenda of their own. Dynamite suspense thriller with a surprising sense of humor goes almost completely awry in the second half, turning Hoffman into a kind of superhero and everyone else into a caricature or stick figure. What a shame! J. T. Walsh appears unbilled.
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Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman as:
Col. Sam Daniels
Rene Russo Rene Russo as:
Robby Keough
Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman as:
Gen. Billy Ford
Kevin Spacey Kevin Spacey as:
Maj. Casey Schuler
Cuba Gooding Jr. Cuba Gooding Jr. as:
Maj. Salt
Donald Sutherland Donald Sutherland as:
Gen Donald McClintock
Patrick Dempsey Patrick Dempsey as:
Jimbo Scott
Zakes Mokae as:
Dr. Benjamin Iwabi