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Kramer Vs. Kramer
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Kramer Vs. Kramer Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Cine 1-2-3-4
Rating: PG Year: 1979 Category: Drama
Director: Robert Benton Time: 115 min. Writer: Avery Corman & Robert Benton

Mine: Why yould you want to see a movie about a messy divorce. Like going to watch some get dental work done. Painful, with not insight that I could find. Just yucky!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Wife walks out on upwardly mobile husband, leaving him to fend for himself and young son; intelligent, beautifully crafted, intensely moving film. Adapted by Benton from Avery Corman's novel and acted to perfection by entire cast. Oscar winner for Best Picture, Actor, Screenplay, Director, Supporting Actress (Streep).
User Reviews:
Leigh's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Well, Chris, why would you watch a movie about war? It's not pleasant, but you LEARN FROM IT. This film was hard to watch at times but it gave you an insight into human nature. Great acting all around but Streep's character was altered -- in the book she keeps Billy (realistically)and that's that. In the movie, however, I don't like the way she "sees the light" and keeps him "where he belongs." Nice gesture, Meryl, but no woman in her right mind would fight tooth and nail for a kid she gives back anyway. Oops, I gave away the ending. Sorry. Anyway, I loved the movie and found it very touching the way we see Billy's relationship with his father grow.
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Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman as:
Ted Kramer
Meryl Streep Meryl Streep as:
Joanna Kramer
Jane Alexander as:
Margaret Phelps
Justin Henry as:
Billy Kramer
JoBeth Williams JoBeth Williams as:
Phyliss Bernard
Howard Duff as:
John Shaunessy
George Coe as:
Jim O\'Conner
Bill Moor as: