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Family Business
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Family Business Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Adam
Rating: Year: 1989 Category: Comedy
Director: Sidney Lumet Time: min. Writer: Vincent Patrick

Mine: So unmemorable that I don't really remember it. Great cast, but not much, as I reacall.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Brainy Broderick, estranged from father Hoffman, enlists the aid of his grandfather Connery, a career criminal, to pull off a can't-miss heist. Worth seeing for three terrific performances by the charismatic leads, even though they're never quite believable as family--and the story lets them down. Further undermined by one of the most appalling music scores of recent memory, composed by Cy Coleman. Based on a novel by Vincent Patrick.
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Sean Connery Sean Connery as:
Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman as:
Matthew Broderick Matthew Broderick as:
Rosanna DeSoto as:
Janet Carroll as:
Victoria Jackson as:
Deborah Rush as:
Michele Dempsey
Marilyn Cooper as: