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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Hook Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Greta at Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG Year: 1991 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Steven Spielberg Time: 144 min. Writer: James V. Hart

Mine: Great idea, badly done. WAY too long. Hoffman is fun as Hook, but Williams does not pull off the role. Some very nice set designs. Tries to be too hip with the lost boys. Suffers from the worst of Spielberg's late 80's tendencies.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Unfortunate cheapening of the beloved James Barrie tale of Peter Pan, with Williams as a heartless corporate takeover honcho who must rediscover his true identity--as Pan--in order to save his children, who've been kidnapped by Captain Hook. Great casting in key roles is dissipated by a script that offers no joy, and very little magic--with a troupe of TV-generation Lost Boys who'd be more at home in a McDonald's commercial. (Musician David Crosby and an unrecognizable Glenn Close have bit parts as pirates. ) If this is Peter Pan for the 90s, give us the 50s instead. Panavision.
User Reviews:
Leigh's rating:
3 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Fun the first time -- brings back the magic of Peter Pan, but it loses my interest when they throw slime and use crude insults. Not my thing. I must say I love Hoffman more than Williams in this film!
Vanessa's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Um yeah i really liked the movie the cast was like awesome i just have like one question who portrayed peter pan when he was younger. the one who has the scene w/ gwenyth paltrow if u know. e-mail me. at
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Dustin Hoffman Dustin Hoffman as:
Captain Hook
Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Peter Banning
Julia Roberts Julia Roberts as:
Bob Hoskins Bob Hoskins as:
Maggie Smith Maggie Smith as:
Granny Wendy
Phil Collins as:
Inspector Good
Glenn Close Glenn Close as:
David Crosby as:
Caroline Goodall Caroline Goodall as:
Moira Banning