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Ronny Cox
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6' 2"


Mary Cox ; 2 sons


He plays guitar and writes music. Group "Song Farmers"

Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Rangy, sandy-haired actor who spent much of his early career playing nice, decent men in such films as Deliverance (1972), Bound for Glory (1976), Harper Valley P.T.A (1978), and countless TV movies, including The Jesse Owens Story But since portraying the hard-nosed police captain in Beverly Hills Cop (1984, and in its 1987 sequel), Cox has won tougher roles, most effectively playing coldhearted, corporate villains in Robocop (1987), Total Recall (1990), and on TV's "St. Elsewhere" (1987-88).

Ronny Cox stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Beverly Hills Cop 1984 With Jessica?? 0000-00-00 ***
RoboCop 1987 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Beverly Hills Cop II 1987 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
Total Recall 1990 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Murder at 1600 1997 2001-05-26 ** 1/2
Forces of Nature 1999 At Branford Hoyts 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Being the Ricardos 2021 Suzy 2021-12-25 ***