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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
RoboCop Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1987 Category: Action Thriller Sci-Fi
Director: Paul Verhoeven Time: 102 min. Writer: Michael miner & Edward neumeier

Mine: Terrific film. Great action, interesting idea. well acted. Good villian.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The setting: Detroit, in the near future. A cop who dies in the line of duty is transformed into an ultrasophisticated cyborg by the corporation which now runs the police department. Only hitch: this ``perfect'' cop still seeks revenge on the sadistic creeps who killed him. Sharp, slick, slam-bang action entertainment, with fantastic stop-motion animation supervised by Phil Tippett (ED 209 is a wow!)... but its view of life in the future is unremittingly bleak and ugly. Followed by two sequels, an animated and a live-action TV series. Unrated director's cut available on laser disc.
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Peter Weller Peter Weller as:
Alex Murphy/RoboCop
Nancy Allen as:
Anne Lewis
Dan O'Herlihy as:
The Old Man
Ronny Cox as:
Dick Jones
Kurtwood Smith as:
Clarence Boddicker
Miguel Ferrer Miguel Ferrer as:
Bob Morton
Robert DoQui as:
Sgt. Reed
Ray Wise as:
Leon Nash