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Maggie Gyllenhaal
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Maggie Gyllenhaal made her debut as full-blown, star in Secretary (2002) in 2002. Her sweet looks and conduct has a deep onscreen subtle style that emerges from the characters she plays, large part or small. Gyllenhaal's career has already shown through her presence on screen.

After attending Columbia University, Gyllenhaal resides in New York City. She earned her BA in English, which gave her theater experience during college in addition to her literary point. In London, she studied briefly at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. Focusing on English, her stage experience led her to acting after graduation.


Sister of Jake Gyllenhaal.

Daughter of Stephen Gyllenhaal and Naomi Foner.

Earned a B.A. in English from Columbia University

Studied briefly at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London

Maggie Gyllenhaal stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Riding in Cars with Boys 2001 w/ Suzy at home 2002-07-19 ** 1/2
Donnie Darko 2001 Suzy on Stars 2006-09-10 ** 1/2
40 Days and 40 Nights 2002 at Showcase North Haven 2002-03-07 * 1/2
Adaptation 2002 w/ Suzy at Branford Hoyts 2003-01-31 ***
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 2002 Suzy 2013-06-19 ** 1/2
Mona Lisa Smile 2003 w/ Family on DVD 2004-11-13 ***
Stranger Than Fiction 2006 Suzy on DVD 2007-03-25 ** 1/2
The Dark Knight 2008 Showcase North Haven 2008-07-26 ** 1/2
Nanny McPhee Returns 2010 Family 2010-09-17 ***
White House Down 2013 2023-02-26 ** 1/2