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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Adaptation Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: w/ Suzy at Branford Hoyts
Rating: R Year: 2002 Category: Drama Romance Comedy
Director: Spike Jonze Time: 114 min. Writer: Susan Orlean & Charlie Kaufman

Mine: Very, Very, interesting and quite obique. Strange and unsettling! Cage give a terrific performance. Streep is fine. It is at its most accessible when it poke fun at the movie industry. The personal realationship parts of the movie are hard to figure. A second view is a must!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A lovelorn screenwriter turns to his less talented twin brother for help when his efforts to adapt a non-fiction book go nowhere.
Have an opinion? Click to write you own review.

Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage as:
Charlie & Donald Kaufman
Tilda Swinton Tilda Swinton as:
Meryl Streep Meryl Streep as:
Susan Orlean
Chris Cooper Chris Cooper as:
John Laroche
Jay Tavare as:
Matthew Osceola
Curtis Hanson as:
Orlean's Husband
Roger Willie as:
Jim Beaver as:
Ranger Tony
Stephen Tobolowsky Stephen Tobolowsky as:
Ranger Steve Neely
Judy Greer Judy Greer as:
Alice the Waitress
Maggie Gyllenhaal Maggie Gyllenhaal as:
Caroline Cunningham