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Rebecca Pidgeon
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A graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pidgeon made her Broadway debut in David Mamet's "The Old Neighborhood." She has two children with husband Mamet: Clara and Noah. Also a singer-songwriter, Pidgeon has recorded two albums with the British folk-pop group Ruby Blue. Her solo albums are "The Raven," "The New York Girl's Club" and "Four Marys."

David Mamet (1991 - present) 2 children


Sister of Matthew Pidgeon

Rebecca Pidgeon stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Homicide 1991 Don't Remeber 0000-00-00 ***
The Spanish Prisoner 1997 at home on DVD 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
State and Main 2000 at Branford Hoyts with Cheri 2001-01-12 *** 1/2
Heist 2001 w/ Suzy at Branford Hoyts 2001-11-09 *** 1/2
Shopgirl 2005 Suzy on DVD 2007-01-12 *** 1/2
Jesse Stone: Sea Change 2007 2024-03-01 ** 1/2
Red 2010 Suzy 2011-01-23 **