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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Homicide Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remeber
Rating: R Year: 1991 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: David Mamet Time: 102 min. Writer: David Mamet

Mine: Remeber liking this alot, but I don't remember it very well. Time to see it again.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Urban homicide detective is pulled off a major case to take care of a seemingly routine murder of an elderly shopkeeper, but soon finds himself embroiled in a strange, conspiracy-like situation that causes him to question his own motives and his identity as a Jew. Provocative material is underdeveloped by writer-director Mamet, and laid on with too heavy a hand... but the ``Mametspeak'' and lead performance are still quite commanding.
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Joe Mantegna Joe Mantegna as:
Bobby Gold
William H. Macy William H. Macy as:
Tim Sullivan
Vincent Guastaferro as:
Lt. Senna
J.J. Johnston as:
Jilly Curran
Jack Wallace as:
Lionel Mark Smith as:
Charlie Olcott
Roberta Custer as:
Cathy Bates
Bernard Gray as:
Ving Rhames Ving Rhames as:
Rebecca Pidgeon Rebecca Pidgeon as:
Miss Klein