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Michael Madsen
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6' 2"
'De Anna Morgan' (15 April 1996 - present)
'Georganne LaPierre' (198? - 198?) (divorced)
Jeannine Bisignano (? - ?) (divorced); (son: Christian)

Was mentioned for the role of Mickey in Natual Born Killers, but turned it down at Quentin Tarantino's suggestion.

Was offered role of Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction but turned it down because he couldn't get out of rehearsal for Wyatt Earp.

Has written three books of poetry, including "Beer, Blood, and Ashes", "Eat the Worm", and "Burning in Paradise".

Released CD "Burning in Paradise", which has exerpts from his book "Burning in Paradise".

Brother of actress, Virginia Madsen

Son of Cal Madsen (a firefighter)

His first wife, Georganne, is Cher's sister.

He refuses to see any of sister Virginia Madsen's films in which she appears nude.

Brother-in-law of Danny Huston.

Half-brother-in-law of Cher.

Owned the yellow Cadillac that his character Mr Blonde drove in Reservoir Dogs.

Michael Madsen stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
War Games 1983 wih Peter Loge 0000-00-00 ****
Thelma and Louise 1991 1st at Showcase North Haven, 2nd with Judy in Cheshire Cinema 0000-00-00 ****
Reservoir Dogs 1992 With Adam at York Square midnight show. 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Free Willy 1993 Suzy & Hanna 2008-05-02 ** 1/2
Wyatt Earp 1994 At Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 **
The Getaway 1994 with Adam Brusic 0000-00-00 **
Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home 1995 Hanna 2008-05-16 ***
Mulholland Falls 1996 Suzy 2015-10-27 ***
Die Another Day 2002 w/ Suzy at Hoyts Branford 2002-11-22 **
Kill Bill Volume 1 2003 at Showcase North Haven 2003-10-17 * 1/2
Kill Bill Volume 2 2004 On starz 2006-01-15 *
Sin City 2005 2005-10-16 1/2 *
The Hateful Eight 2015 2022-08-26 *** 1/2
Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood 2019 Suzy and Andrea in Madison 2019-08-01 *