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Michael Jeter
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10 June 1992 Joins an all-star cast for a tribute to Stephen Sondheim in a production called "Sondheim - A Celebration at Carnegie Hall". Michael performed with James Naughton in a duet called "Waiting for the Girls"

He won a Tony in 1990 for "Grand Hotel".

Turned from career in medicine to acting while a student at Memphis State Univ.

Won an Emmy for his portrayl of fragile math teacher Herman Styles on "Evening Shade"

Jeter is widely known by toddlers and preschoolers everywhere as Sesame Street's loveable buffoon 'Mr Noodle's brother, Mr Noodle'.

Won Broadway's 1990 Tony as Best Actor (Featured Role - Musical) for "Grand Hotel, The Musical."

Michael Jeter stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Miller's Crossing 1990 With Jessica at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 ****
The Fisher King 1991 Trish Ryden at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 * 1/2
Air Bud 1997 Suzy and Hanna 2008-09-20 * 1/2
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1998 Suzy on DVD 2005-03-11 **
The Green Mile 1999 Hoyts Branford with Jean Balay 0000-00-00 **** 1/2
True Crime 1999 Suzy 2015-07-28 ** 1/2
Jurassic Park III 2001 Branford Hoyts 2001-07-20 ** 1/2
Welcome to Collinwood 2002 Suzy 2015-10-15 ** 1/2