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The Fisher King
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
The Fisher King Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Trish Ryden at Showcase Orange
Rating: R Year: 1991 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Terry Gilliam Time: 137 min. Writer: Richard LaGravenses

Mine: Too long. Too stupid. Never has the wit of many other Terry Gilliam films.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Expansive, emotional fable of a smart-aleck, self-absorbed radio personality driven into a deep funk by an unexpected tragedy--and his unlikely rescue by a strange street vigilante who's in desperate need of rescue himself. Unusual and absorbing, both comic and tender, this takes the viewer on quite a journey. Ruehl won Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role as Bridges' girlfriend. Look fast for Kathy Najimy. Written by Richard LaGravenese. Super 35.
User Reviews:
Kim's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Clearly, the message and beauty of this film was lost on our dear webmaster....but that still gives me chance to show what I think of it. This movie is EXCELLENT. The message is very timely and just poignant. ANYONE who enjoys touching and deep films should rent or purchase The Fisher King. I think Williams is great, Bridges is what he usually is, overacting but good, and the rest of the movie is just a great tale.
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Jeff Bridges Jeff Bridges as:
Jack Lucas
Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Mercedes Ruehl as:
Anne Napolitano
Amanda Plummer Amanda Plummer as:
Lydia Sinclair
David Hyde Pierce David Hyde Pierce as:
Lou Rosen
Harry Shearer as:
Ben Starr
Adam Bryant as:
Radio Engineer
Ted Ross as:
Limo Bum
Tom Waits Tom Waits as:
Disabled Vetran
Michael Jeter Michael Jeter as:
Homeless Cabaret Singer