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Judy Holliday
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'Dave Oppenheim' (1948 - 1957) (divorced)

Had a measured I.Q of 172.

Judy Holliday was a well known socialist/marxist with very left leaning friends.


Listed by Madonna as one of her biggest influences Co-wrote and performed songs with jazz legend Gerry Mulligan for the album "Holliday with Mulligan".

According to her biographer Gary Carey, Holliday flummoxed the House Unamerican Activities Committee so much (by essentially playing her Billie Dawn character on the witness stand) she ended up being the only person ever called before HUAC who was neither blacklisted nor compelled to name names.

During the Broadway musical Bells Are Ringing, she had a brief fling with her co-star Sydney Chaplin, the son of Charles Chaplin.

Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Luminously talented actress best known for two famous "dumb blonde" characterizations: Doris Attinger in Adam's Rib (1949) and Billie Dawn in Born Yesterday (1950, reprising her starmaking Broadway performance and winning an Oscar for it). Holliday was a onetime switchboard operator who performed in New York cabarets before signing with 20th Century-Fox in 1944. She was released after being assigned small roles in three of that year's pictures Greenwich Village, Something for the Boys, Winged Victory-and returned to New York and found stardom on stage. A brilliant comedienne with an effervescent personality, she appeared to good advantage in a handful of films after Born Yesterday although never again attaining the same heights.The Marrying Kind (1952), It Should Happen to You, Phffft! (both 1954), The Solid Gold Cadillac, Full of Life (both 1956), and Bells Are Ringing (1960) rounded out Holliday's Hollywood career, and she succumbed to cancer at age 43.

Judy Holliday stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Adam's Rib 1949 Yale Film Soc. 0000-00-00 **** 1/2
Born Yesterday 1950 Yale Film Soc. 0000-00-00 **** 1/2
The Solid Gold Cadillac 1956 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Bells are Ringing 1960 0000-00-00 *** 1/2