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Born Yesterday
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Born Yesterday Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Yale Film Soc.
Rating: NR Year: 1950 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: George Cukor Time: 103 min. Writer: Garson Kanin & Albert Mannheimer

Mine: Maybe the best romantic comdey ever made. Holiday is great, as is the rest of the cast, but the movie is hers.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: John. Junk-dealer-made-good Crawford wants girlfriend (Holliday) culturefied, hires Holden to teach her in hilarious Garson Kanin comedy set in Washington, D. C. Priceless Judy repeated Broadway triumph and won Oscar for playing quintessential dumb blonde. Remade in 1993.
User Reviews:
twin's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
a bunch of wank, if it was brought out today it would get 1 star.even tho ive never seen the film.
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Judy Holliday Judy Holliday as:
Billie Dawn
Broderick Crawford as:
Harry Brock
William Holden as:
Paul verrall
Howard St. John as:
Jim Devery
Frank Otto as:
Larry Oliver as:
Norval Hedges
Barbara Brown as:
Mrs. Hedges
Grandon Rhodes as: