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Greta Scacchi
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Her mother is an English dancer and her father an Italian painter. She grew up in Milan and later moves to London. In 1975 her parents moved to Australia, and Greta worked as a cowgirl and an Italian interpreter. At age 18 she returned to London and followed lessons at the Old-Vic-Theatre. Played small parts as stage actress and worked as a model for commercials. The young film maker Dominik Graf discovered her and her first film part is Zweite Gesicht, Das (1982). Being a perfectionist she learned German for this movie. After Heat and Dust (1982), she played parts for Australian and English television and returned to London. While playing in a modernised play by Anton Tsjechov in 1988, (directed by Margarethe von Trotta), she was discovered by Hollywood.

Greta Scacchi stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
The Coca-Cola Kid 1985 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
A Man in Love 1987 with Jessica 0000-00-00 **
Presumed Innocent 1990 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
The Player 1992 0000-00-00 *
The Red Violin 1998 2001-05-27 ***
Tom's Midnight Garden 1999 w/ Suzy on HBO 0000-00-00 ***
Beyond the Sea 2004 family on DVD 2005-09-17 ***