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Tom's Midnight Garden
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Tom's Midnight Garden Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: w/ Suzy on HBO
Rating: NR Year: 1999 Category: Drama Children Fantasy
Director: Willard Carroll Time: 107 min. Writer: Willard Carroll & Philippa Pearce

Mine: Charming if somewhat slow paced. Still a cut above most movies made for and about children.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Young Tom Long is forced to stay with his kindly Aunt and Uncle while his brother recovers from a bout of the measles. At their flat, he is disappointed to find there is no garden to play in; but his disappointment turns to wonder when he discovers a magical garden which only appears at night when an old grandfather clock strikes thirteen. His nightly excursions to this beautiful garden become even more interesting when he realises that the people he meets cannot see him - except one young girl named Hattie
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Anthony Way as:
Greta Scacchi Greta Scacchi as:
Aunt Gwen
James Wilby as:
Uncle Alan
Florance Hoath as:
David Bradley as:
Arlene Cockburn as:
Susan the Maid
Joan Plowright Joan Plowright as:
Mrs. Bartholomew