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Donna Dixon
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5' 9"

Donna was working as a model and attending college when she landed her first regular role on TV's "Bosom Buddies" (1980). While filming Doctor Detroit (1983), she met and married co-star Dan Aykroyd. She has since fluctuated between TV and film work, frequently appearing with her husband.

She was raised in Lorton, VA, USA. Her father owned the local nightclub "Hillbilly Heaven"

Dan Akryod (982 - Present )


Miss Virginia 1976.

Three daughters: Stella (b. 4/5/1998), Danielle (b.1990) and Belle (b.1993)

Donna Dixon stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Twilight Zone - The Movie 1982 With Peter L. 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Doctor Detroit 1983 With Peter L. 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Spies Like Us 1985 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
The Couch Trip 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Waynes World 1992 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 **