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The Couch Trip
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Couch Trip Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Ritchie Time: 97 min. Writer: Steven Kampmann

Mine: So so. Walter is always a joy to watch, but he does not have much to do here. Grodin is a scream at the shrink who has gone over the edge.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Amusing, if somewhat lackluster, comedy about a mental institution escapee who masquerades as a successful Beverly Hills psychiatrist and radio adviser. Some good laughs, served by a solid cast, but the story is pretty thin.
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Walter Matthau Walter Matthau as:
Donald Becker
Dan Aykroyd Dan Aykroyd as:
John Burns
Charles Grodin Charles Grodin as:
George Maitlin
Donna Dixon Donna Dixon as:
Laura Rollins
Mary Gross as:
Vera Maitlin
Victoria Jackson as:
David Clennon as:
Lawrence Baird
Richard Romanus as:
Harvey Michaels
Chevy Chase Chevy Chase as:
Condom Father