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David Caruso
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Margaret Buckley (4 May 1996 - present)
Rachel Ticotin (1983 - 1987) (divorced) 1 daughter
Sherry Maugans (1980 - 1983) (divorced)

Daughter, with Ticotin, Greta.

Graduated from Archbishop Molloy High School in Briarwood, Queens, New York

Is co-owner of Steam, an upscale clothing and home furnishings store in South Miami, Florida.

His father is Italian, his mother is Irish.

David Caruso stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
First Blood 1982 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Twins 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ***
Hudson Hawk 1991 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 *
Mad Dog and Glory 1993 2022-03-09 ***
Proof of Life 2000 at home on HBO 2001-12-18 ***