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Hudson Hawk
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Hudson Hawk Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: R Year: 1991 Category: Comedy Action
Director: Michael Lehmann Time: 100 min. Writer: Bruce Willis & Robert Kraft

Mine: Not a really bad idea, just really badly done. It is never interesting.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Wildly overblown vanity film (Willis cowrote the story and the title song) about a cat burglar, just sprung from prison, who's blackmailed into performing several daring art heists, including one from the Vatican! Blissfully incoherent, with some good action scenes, but nothing to hang them on except a steady stream of Willis wisecracks, only some of which are funny.
User Reviews:
LGO_fan's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
Ome of the best movies i have ever seen! Brilliant! Hudson is so cool, and Darwin is -except of my favorit character- the funniest there! There wanst any boring moment, i enjoted wvwry moment (except for the moment when Darwin dies...)
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Bruce Willis Bruce Willis as:
Hudson Hawk
Danny Aiello Danny Aiello as:
Tommy Five-Tone
Andie MacDowell Andie MacDowell as:
Anna Baragli
James Coburn James Coburn as:
George Kaplan
Sandra Bernhard as:
Minerva Mayflower
Richard E. Grant Richard E. Grant as:
Darwin Mayflower
David Caruso David Caruso as:
Kit Kat
Frank Stallone as:
Cesar Mario