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Christian Kane
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Christian Kane was born in Dallas, Texas. Christian and his family moved around a lot throughout the South before settling down in the small town of Norman, Oklahoma. Christian attended the University of Oklahoma where he had plans to major in Art History. But Christian wanted to try out acting. So Christian took his truck and his life savings of a few hundred dollars and headed to Hollywood, the City of Angels. Christian had many jobs including mailroom clerk for a talent agency. His big break came when he played Ryan "Flyboy" Legget, the male lead, in a new show called _Fame L.A. (1997)_ based on the hit movie and 80's tv show. Unfortunately the show was cancelled after 22 episodes. Christian's next role was in Aaron Spelling's _Rescue 77 (1999)_ where he played Wick Lobo a.k.a "cowboy" because of his radical application of "gutter" medicine. Due to poor ratings the show was cancelled. Not to be defeated, Christian was soon cast as a production assistant in Edtv (1999) starring Woody Harrelson as well as a made for TV Western called Crossfire Trail (2001) (TV) with Tom Selleck. Christian is currently filming another feature flick with Freddie Prinze Jr. and Marc Blucas titled Summer Catch (2001)

Christian Kane stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
EdTV 1999 Branford Hoyts 0000-00-00 **
Summer Catch 2001 at Showcase North Haven 2001-08-31 ***
Life or Something Like It 2002 on HBO 2003-06-12 **
Secondhand Lions 2003 w/ Family on DVD 2004-02-14 ***