Life or Something Like It |
My Rating: (out of 5 stars) |  |
Primary Location: |
First Saw:On TV |
Saw at/with: on HBO
Rating: PG-13
Category: Romance Comedy
Stephen Herek
103 min.
John Scott Sheperd
| Reviews |
Mine: |
VERY slight. Burns's character is mildly interesting. Jolie can't act a stitch in anything that I have seen her in and this is no execption. Tony Shaloub is fun as always. Glad I did not pay money to see this.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: |
A reporter interviews a homeless man, who tells her that she's going to die and her life is meaningless.
User Reviews: |
Jo Momma's rating:
 (out of 5 stars) |
You dissed on Angelina Jolie. You bastard!
| Cast |