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The Bedroom Window
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Bedroom Window Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1987 Category: Thriller
Director: Curtis Hanson Time: 112 min. Writer: Curtis Hanson

Mine: A kind of routine thriller, made better by Elizabeth McGovern and made worse by Steve Guttenberg. On balance worth watching, but don't think that this will be anything close to a Hitchcockian thriller. It thinks it is, but doesn't make it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: An innocent man offers to alibi for his boss' sexy wife, who witnessed an assault from his bedroom window after they made love. This apparently simple gesture snowballs into a web of crime and duplicity, in this attractive, sexy, and suspenseful Hitchcock homage. Guttenberg is no Cary Grant (or James Stewart), but the film is consistently enjoyable--if not always absolutely believable. J-D-C Scope.
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Steve Guttenberg Steve Guttenberg as:
Terry Lambert
Elizabeth McGovern Elizabeth McGovern as:
Isabelle Huppert as:
Paul Shenar as:
Carl Lumbly as:
Wallace Shawn Wallace Shawn as:
Henderson's Attorny
Maury Chaykin as:
Pool Player
Brad Greenquist as: