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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Labyrinth Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1986 Category: Children Fantasy
Director: jim Henson Time: 101 min. Writer: Dennis Lee & Jim Henson

Mine: Visually stunning. A great story as well. Maybe a little instense for the youngest of viewer, but a great treat for everyone else. David Bowie is a scream.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Teenage girl's baby brother is kidnapped by the King of the Goblins (Bowie); in order to rescue him she must navigate a devilish labyrinth. Entertaining variation on Alice in Wonderland written by Monty Python's Terry Jones, executive produced by George Lucas, and filtered through the sensibilities of The Muppets' Jim Henson. A treat for kids and the young at heart (Muppet fans in particular); only weakness is that it does get slow at times. J-D-C Scope.
User Reviews:
Leana's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I loved this movie as an adolescent, and I still love it as an adult. The joint efforts of Jim Henson, George Lucas and David Bowie bring us a film filled with fantasy, comedy, heart, and an exceptional soundtrack. Even folks who despise musicals can appreciate David Bowie's creative contributions to this movie. If you are a Jim Henson fan, you are sure to like "Labyrinth", providing you can look past Bowie's immense bulge generously presented to you in almost every scene he is in! Jennifer Connelly is wonderful as "Sarah", a fresh-faced teen with the sensuality of a sultry woman hiding behind those beautiful eyes. The sensual tension between "Sarah" and "Jareth" (Bowie's character) is undeniably exciting, and overall the movie is FUN. Please take the time to give "Labyrinth" a chance if you have avoided it until now.
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David Bowie as:
Jareth, the Goblin King
Jennifer Connelly Jennifer Connelly as:
Toby Froud as:
Shelley Thompson as:
Christopher Malcolm as:
Natilie Finland as:
Shari Weiser as:
Brian Henson as:
Hoggle/Goblin voice