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Club Paradise
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
Club Paradise Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1986 Category: Comedy
Director: Harold Ramis Time: 104 min. Writer: Brian Doyle-Murray & Harold Ramis

Mine: Hard to know how so much talent can misfire so badly, but this is a dud. Nothing good about it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Pleasant cast in pleasant surroundings, lacking only a script and a few more laughs. Williams plays Chicago fireman who retires to West Indian island, goes halfies with native Cliff on turning ramshackle beachfront property into vacation resort. Writers even try to shoehorn a ``serious'' subplot about exploitation of the natives into the proceedings! Best of all is Cliff's almost nonstop music; his performance isn't bad, either.
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Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Jack Moniker
Peter O'Toole Peter O'Toole as:
Gov. Hayes
Rick Moranis Rick Moranis as:
Barry Nye
Jimmy Cliff as:
Ernest Reed
Twiggy Lawson as:
Phillipa Lloyd
Adolph Caesar as:
Solomon Gundy
Eugene Levy Eugene Levy as:
Barry Steinberg
Andrea Martin Andrea Martin as:
Linda White