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An American Tail
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
An American Tail Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: G Year: 1986 Category: Children
Director: Don Bluth Time: 77 min. Writer: Judy Freudberg & Gary Goldman

Mine: Routine and uninteresting. Young kids will probalbly like it that is the extent of its appeal.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A young Russian mouse is separated from his family as they're about to arrive at their new homeland, America, in the late 19th century. Handsome, occasionally heart-tugging cartoon feature with a cute main character--but serious flaws in the story department (why are there three climaxes?). Producer Steven Spielberg's first foray into animation, with Don Bluth and his team of one-time Disney artists. Followed by two sequels and an animated TV series Fievel's American Tails.
User Reviews:
Shell's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I watched this movie numerous times as I was growing up. It was one my grandmother owned (we didn't have a VCR they were to expensive) so I always watched it when I visited. I loved it and still do. Perhaps it's something of a nostalgia thing but I still like to watch it to this day. If it wasn't a good story, it wouldn't continue to interest me now at 23 years old. I love the song, I love the cats, Dom Deluise as Tiger was perfect, I love all the characters. It's a great story, simple as that.
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Cathianne Blore as:
Laura Carson as:
Dom DeLuise Dom DeLuise as:
John Finnegan as:
Warren T. Rat
Phillip Glasser as:
Fievel Mousekewitz
Amy Green as:
Madeline Kahn Madeline Kahn as:
Christopher Plummer Christopher Plummer as: