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That's Life!
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
That's Life! Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1986 Category: Drama
Director: Blake Edwards Time: 102 min. Writer: Milton Wexler & Blake Edwards

Mine: Dreary dull tale of the awful life of the idle rich.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Deeply felt observation of an affluent family and its members' personal crises--including Lemmon's anxiety over turning sixty and his loving wife's fear that she may have cancer. Far from perfect, but mostly believable and quite moving. Filmed at Edwards' and wife Andrews' actual Malibu home, with most of their (and Lemmon's) real-life family on-screen... including at least one pet! Panavision.
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Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
Harvey Fairchild
Julie Andrews Julie Andrews as:
Gillian Fairchild
Sally Kellerman Sally Kellerman as:
Holly parrish
Robert Loggia Robert Loggia as:
Father Bragaone
Chris Lemmon as:
Josh Fairchild
Cynthia Sikes as:
Janice Kern
Jennifer Edwards as:
Megan Fiairchild
Emma Walton as:
Kate Fairchild