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Nothing in Common
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
Nothing in Common Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1986 Category: Comedy
Director: Garry Marshall Time: 118 min. Writer: Rick Podell & Michael Preminger

Mine: This "comedy" is so unfunny it is hard to believe. I have never understood why people have liked Jackie Gleason. Tom Hanks worst movie by a long shot.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Interminably long, highly uneven comedy-drama about a perpetual adolescent who's forced to deal with his aging, unloving father when his mom leaves him flat. Some poignant, relevant conclusions about love and responsibility (and some funny shots at the advertising business) are undermined by overlength and meandering nature of film. Hanks is excellent; Gleason is abrasive (in his last film appearance). Later a TV series. Super 35.
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Tom Hanks Tom Hanks as:
David Basner
Jackie Gleason as:
Max Basner
Eva Marie Saint as:
Lorraine Basner
Hector Elizando as:
Charlie Gargas
Barry Corbin Barry Corbin as:
Andrew Wollridge
Bess Armstrong Bess Armstrong as:
Donna Martin
Sela Ward as:
Cheryl Ann Wayne
Cindy Harrell as: