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The Third Man
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Third Man Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1950 Category: Drama
Director: Carol Reed Time: 93 min. Writer: Graham Greene & Alexander Korda

Mine: Great look, smokey - dark - spooky. Brilliant score. Wells gives a terrific performance.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Graham Greene's account of mysterious Harry Lime (Welles) in post-WW2 Vienna is a bona fide classic, with pulp-writer Cotten on a manhunt for Harry. Anton Karas' zither rendition of "The Third Man Theme" adds just the right touch; cinematographer Robert Krasker won an Oscar. Note: there are two versions of this film. The British version features introductory narration by director Reed; the American print is narrated by Cotten, and runs 93m. Little of substance was actually cut, but the film was tightened somewhat by coproducer David O. Selznick. Also shown in computer-colored version.
User Reviews:
Leigh's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I definately agree that this is a brilliantly written and excecuted movie. I love it, and the Vienna setting is just gorgeous but spooky too. I'd just like to comment that the score of this movie is enjoyable the first time, but after a while becomes really irritating. It doesn't seem to fit the plot. But I'll re-enforce that this detail shouldn't be enough to keep you from seeing the film. It's incredible -- (Good job, Orson!!!)
Leigh's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Wait! I just had an afterthought!! Don't watch the computer-colored version, it ruins the feel of the movie. Black & white is the way to go.
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Joseph Cotten as:
Holly Martins
Alida Vallie as:
Anna Schmidt
Orson Welles as:
Harry Lime
Trevor Howard Trevor Howard as:
Maj. Calloway
Paul Horbiger as:
Ernst Deutsch as:
Baron Kurtz
Erich Ponto as:
Dr. Winkel
Siegfried Breuer as: