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Strangers on a Train
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Strangers on a Train Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1951 Category: Thriller
Director: Alfred Hitchcock Time: 101 min. Writer: Raymond Chandler & Czenzi Ormonde

Mine: Hitchcock is in top form here. Creepy and dark. Startling in many ways.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Walker gives his finest performance as psychopath involved with tennis star Granger in ``exchange murders. '' Lorne is unforgettable as doting mother; so is merry-go-round climax. First-class Hitchcock, based on a Patricia Highsmith novel and coscripted by Raymond Chandler. Remade as ONCE YOU KISS A STRANGER and the inspiration for THROW MOMMA FROM THE TRAIN. British version of film, now available, runs almost two minutes longer, has a different ending and franker dialogue in the first scene where Granger and Walker meet.
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Farley Granger as:
Guy Haines
Ruth Roman as:
Anne Morton
Robert Walker as:
Burno Antony
Leo G. Carroll as:
Senator Morton
Patricia Hitchcock as:
Barbara Morton
Kasey Rogers as:
Miriam Joyce Hanies
Marion Lorne as:
Mrs. Antony
Jonathan Hale as:
Mr. Antony