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Star Spangled Girl
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Star Spangled Girl Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With the rechias at the Whitney Theatre
Rating: G Year: 1971 Category: Comedy
Director: Jerry Paris Time: 93 min. Writer: Arnold Margolin & Jim Parker

Mine: I was very young when I saw this movie. The scene that I remember the best is one where Tony Roberts drinks a carton of milk in the store and then fills it with other stuff and buys it. Strange but I remember that, not much else. Give ma break I was 9.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Very unfunny Neil Simon comedy about the saccharine-sweet girl-next-door who falls in with two ultraradical campus newspaper editors.
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Sandy Duncan as:
Amy Cooper
Tony Roberts as:
Andy Hobart
Todd Susamn as:
Norman Cornell
Elizabeth Allen as:
Artie Lewis as:
Mr. Karlson
Allen Jung as:
Helen kleeb as:
YWCA Receptionist
Jim Conners as:
Karlson's Boy