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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
1776 Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: G Year: 1972 Category: Drama
Director: Peter H. Hunt Time: 142 min. Writer: Peter Stone

Mine: Good, but over long, musical adaptation. Great music. Good family fun.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: America's first Congress in struggle for independence from Britain provides framework for this unique musical by Sherman Edwards and Peter Stone. Almost all of the original Broadway cast remain, with Daniels as John Adams and da Silva as Benjamin Franklin leading the pack. Laserdisc version runs approx. 180m. , with many elements director Hunt was forced to cut from theatrical release, including one entire number, "Cool Considerate Men." Panavision.
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William Daniels as:
John Adams
Howard Da Silva as:
Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Ken Howard as:
Thomas Jefferson
Blythe Danner as:
Martha Washington
Virginia Vestoff as:
Abigail Adams
Donald Madden as:
John Dickinson
John Cullum as:
Edward Rutledge
Roy Poole as:
Stephen Hopkins