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Rules of the Game
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Rules of the Game Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: NH Film Class
Rating: NR Year: 1939 Category: Drama
Director: Jean Renoir Time: 110 min. Writer: Henry Cartier & Camille Francois

Mine: One of those classics that you watch but don't enjoy. For me this never has the power that Renoir's "Grand Illusion" had. Still impressive in many ways. Maybe that is because as americans we are less concerned with class that the europeans. We have classes certainly, but don't dwell on it as much.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: ublime comedy-drama contrasting affaires d'amour of aristocrats and servants during a weekend outing in the country. Poignant, funny, endlessly imitated; perhaps Renoir's best film. Cut to 85m after its commercial failure in Paris; other prints run between 80m. and 110m. Restored to its original length in 1959.
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Nora Gregor as:
Paulette Dubost as:
Mila Parely as:
Odette Talazac as:
Chaire Gerared as:
Mme de La Bruyere
Anne Mayen as:
Lise Elina as:
Radio Reporter
Marcel Dalio as:
Robert de la Chesnaye