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The Producers
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Producers Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG" Year: 1968 Category: Comedy
Director: Mel Brooks Time: 88 min. Writer: Mel Brooks

Mine: Funny and telling satire of theatre, greed and the absurd. Gene Wilder is terrific as is Zero Mostel. A must see for any fan of comedy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Classic piece of insanity stars incomparable Mostel as hard-luck Broadway producer Max Bialystock, who cons meek accountant Wilder into helping him with outrageous scheme: selling 25,000% of a play that's certain to flop, then heading to Rio with the excess cash. One of those rare films that gets funnier with each viewing, highlighted by legendary ``Springtime for Hitler'' production number. Brooks' first feature earned him an Oscar for his screenplay. Listen for his voice dubbed into ``Springtime For Hitler. ''.
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Zero Mostel as:
Max Bailystock
Gene Wilder Gene Wilder as:
Leo Bloom
Estelle Winwood as:
Old Lady
Christopher Hewett as:
Roger De Bris
Kenneth Mars as:
Franz Liebkind
Lee Meredith as:
Renee Taylor as:
Eva Braun
William Hichey as:
Good Nature Inebriate