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Operation Mad Ball
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Operation Mad Ball Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with: at 52 Hilltop Place
Rating: NR Year: 1957 Category: Comedy
Director: Richard Quine Time: 105 min. Writer: Arthur Carter

Mine: A really funny end of world war II comedy. One of the few times we get to see Ernie Kovaks on screen. Lemmon is charming and funny as the sceaming military guy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Weak service comedy about crafty soldiers planning wild party off base. Dull stretches, few gags. O'Connell comes off better than supposed comedians in film. Blake Edwards and Jed Harris were among the writers.
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Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
Pvt. Hogan
Ernie Kovacs as:
Capt. Paul Locke
Kathryn Grant as:
Lt. Betty Bixby
Arthur O'Connell as:
Col. Rousch
Mickey Rooney Mickey Rooney as:
Sgt. Yancy Skibo
Dick York as:
Corp. Bohen
James Darren as:
Pvt. Widowskas
William Leslie as:
Pvt. Grimes