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On The Town
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
On The Town Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Yale Film Soc.
Rating: NR Year: 1949 Category: Musical
Director: Stanley Donen Time: 98 min. Writer: Adolph Green & Betty Comden

Mine: All Gene Kelly musicals are terrific and this is no exception. Able help by Vera Ellen and Frank Sinatra.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Three sailors have 24 hours to take in the sights and sounds of N. Y. C. Exuberant MGM musical, innovatively shot on location all over the City, isn't much in terms of plot and discards some of the best songs from the Betty Comden-Adolph Green-Leonard Bernstein show on which it's based ...but it's still terrific entertainment. Highlight: ``New York, New York. '' Oscar winner for Roger Edens and Lennie Hayton's musical scoring. An impressive directing debut for Kelly and Donen.
User Reviews:
Kim's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Frank Sinatra in a movie gets a high mark, I love Frank's work. This movie is another fun musical.
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Gene Kelly as:
Frank Sinatra as:
Betty Garrett as:
Brunhilde Esterhazy
Ann Miller as:
Claire Huddesen
Jules Munshin as:
Vera-Ellen as:
Ivy Smith
Florence Bates as:
Madame Dilyovska
Alice Pearce as:
Lucy Shmeeler