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The African Queen
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
5 Stars
The African Queen Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Yale Film Soc.
Rating: NR Year: 1951 Category: Romance Action
Director: John Huston Time: 105 min. Writer: C.S. Forester & James Agee

Mine: Terrific movie. Great action. Great story. Wonderful perfomances fro the two leads. They never made movies like this!, only this one.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Superb combination of souse Bogart (who won an Oscar) and spinster Hepburn traveling downriver in Africa during WW1, combating the elements and the Germans, and each other. Script by James Agee and director Huston from C. S. Forester's novel; gorgeously filmed on location in the Belgian Congo by Jack Cardiff.
User Reviews:
Liz's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
This movie was wonderful! I loved it and it deserves so much regognition.
If you have not seen it, go out and rent it.
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Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart as:
Charlie Allnut
Katharine Hepburn Katharine Hepburn as:
Rose Sayer
Robert Morley as:
Rev. Samuel Sayer
Peter Bull as:
Cap. of Louisa
Theodore Bikel as:
First Officer
Walter Gotell as:
Second Officer
Peter Swanwick as:
First Officer of Shona
Richard Marner as:
Second Officer of Shona