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The Empire Strikes Back
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
The Empire Strikes Back Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase Orange with Peter L.
Rating: Year: 1980 Category: Sci-Fi Action
Director: Irvin Kershner Time: 124 min. Writer: George Lucas & Leigh Brackerr

Mine: Really good stuff. A bit slow in the middle with all the Yoda stuff, but a first rate finish and top notch opening.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Smashing sequel to STAR WARS manages to top the original in its embellishment of leading characters' personalities, truly dazzling special effects (which earned a special Oscar) and nonstop spirit of adventure and excitement. (It does assume you've seen the first film. ) Story threads include a blossoming romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia, the cosmic education of Luke Skywalker (by the mystical Yoda), an uneasy alliance with opportunistic Lando Calrissian, and a startling revelation from Darth Vader. 1997 theatrical reissue included 3 minutes of additional footage. Full title onscreen is STAR WARS EPISODE V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. Sequel: RETURN OF THE JEDI. Panavision.
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Mark Hamill Mark Hamill as:
Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Han Solo
Carrie Fisher Carrie Fisher as:
Leia Organa
Billy Dee Williams Billy Dee Williams as:
Lando Calrissian
Frank Oz Frank Oz as:
Alec Guinness Alec Guinness as:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Darth Vader (Voice)
Peter Mayhew as:
John Ratzenberger John Ratzenberger as:
Major Derlin