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Young Frankenstien
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Young Frankenstien Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Mini-Cine 1-2
Rating: PG Year: 1974 Category: Comedy
Director: Mel Brooks Time: 108 min. Writer: Gene Wilder

Mine: Classic. One of the funniest movies off all time.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: One of the funniest (and most quotable) movies of all time, a finely tuned parody of old FRANKENSTEIN pictures, scripted by Wilder and Brooks, with appropriate music (by John Morris), sets, laboratory equipment (some of it from the 1930s), and b&w camerawork (by Gerald Hirschfeld). Plus vivid characterizations by mad doctor Wilder, monster Boyle, hunchback assistant Feldman, et al. Spoof of blind-man sequence from BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN with Gene Hackman is uproarious.
User Reviews:
Gwen's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
OMG! it is the funniest movie i've ever seen! everytime i see it, the jokes never get old and i always find new jokes. i will never get sick of it and i will never find a funnier movie.
Cj's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
The best movie ever written... My daughter and I have been watching this together for the last 6 years. We have gotten the dialog down so well, that one of us can say a line and the other completes it. We consider ourselves..... "Abbies" :D
RobertP's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Absolutely the funniest movie I have ever seen..and Ive seen Young Frankenstien many many time. I still laugh out loud through out the whole movie
Cocoa's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
This movie kicks ***,everytime I see it...I just die with laughter...and I have to rewind back certain parts cause it just kills me.
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Gene Wilder Gene Wilder as:
Dr. Frankenstein
Peter Boyle Peter Boyle as:
The Monster
Marty Feldman as:
Madeline Kahn Madeline Kahn as:
Cloris Leachman Cloris Leachman as:
Frau Blucher
Teri Garr Teri Garr as:
Gene Hackman Gene Hackman as:
Blind Hermit
Kenneth Mars as:
Inspector Kemp