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Young Doctors in Love
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Young Doctors in Love Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jane kauer and Chris Hilton in NH
Rating: R Year: 1982 Category: Comedy
Director: Garry Marshall Time: 95 min. Writer: Michael Elias & Rich Eustis

Mine: This is the only movie I ever saw at a drive-in. I was a little drunk at the time and don't remember it very well.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Hospital comedy has plenty of scattershot gags, but not enough laughs--and certainly not enough substance--to maintain a feature film. Many daytime soap opera stars appear in cameos (including Demi Moore and Janine Turner, both then on General Hospital). Feature directing debut of TV comedy writer-producer Marshall.
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Sean Young Sean Young as:
Dr. Stephanie Brody
Michael McKean Michael McKean as:
Dr. Simon August
Gary Friedkin as:
Dr. Milton Chamberlain
Ted McGinley as:
Dr. Bucky DeVol
Harry Dean Stanton Harry Dean Stanton as:
Dr. Oliver Ludwig
Saul Rubinek Saul Rubinek as:
Floyd Kurtzman
Taylor Negron as:
Dr. Phil Burns
Michael Richars as: