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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Yentl Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Drama Musical
Director: Barbara Streisand Time: 133 min. Writer: Jack Rosenthal & Barbara Streisand

Mine: This lasts FOREVER. Lots of long dull songs. I guess that if you really like Barbara this could be bearable. A vanity project for her. Terrible pacing. It is pretty at many points. If there was one more dull song in the woods/field I was going to shoot myself to stop the pain.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A young woman in Eastern Europe at the turn of the century disguises as a boy in order to fulfill her dream and get an education. Isaac Bashevis Singer's simple short story is handled with love and care by first-time director/producer/cowriter Streisand, but goes on far longer than necessary, with twelve (count 'em) soliloquy songs by Alan and Marilyn Bergman and Michel Legrand (who also earned Oscars for their score) and a finale uncomfortably reminiscent of FUNNY GIRL. A star vehicle if there ever was one; no wonder Streisand fans love it.
User Reviews:
Elizabeth's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I loved this movie. I am not a diehard fan of Barbara Streisand either. I think that this movie gave a good representation of what it's like to want something that you (think) you can't have, and go for it anyways. Barbara's beautiful voice rang true, and although it may seem lengthy, I could really relate to her character, so I didn't mind. I suppose it just matters on how you look at it.
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Barbara Streisand as:
Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Mandy Patinkin Mandy Patinkin as:
Ruth Goring as:
Esther Rachel
Jack Lynn as:
Bernard Spear as:
Robbie Barnett as:
Lynda Baron as:
Miriam Margolyes Miriam Margolyes as: