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The War of the Roses
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The War of the Roses Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Danny DeVito Time: 116 min. Writer: Marren Alder & Michael Leeson

Mine: Very funny although VERY dark comedy about divorce. Not for the faint at heart, but worth it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: The saga of a marriage that goes sour, to say the least; when Douglas and Turner can't agree on a property settlement in their divorce proceedings, war breaks out in (and over) their exquisitely appointed house. As satiric commentary on yuppie materialism, this very black comedy scores a bull's-eye--for about an hour. Then it continues for nearly an hour more as the couple grows increasingly vicious and irrational, literally destroying their home. Some people loved this film (the stars are perfect), so obviously it's a matter of taste. DeVito's odd point of view and wild camera angles are an asset throughout.
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Danny DeVito Danny DeVito as:
Gavin D'amato
Michael Douglas Michael Douglas as:
Oiver Rose
Kathleen Turner Kathleen Turner as:
Barbara Rose
G. D. Spradlin as:
Harry Thurmont
Marianne Sagebrecht as:
Peter Donat as:
Heather Fairfield as:
Carolyn at 17
Harlan Arnold as:
Mr. Dell