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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4.5 Stars
Victor/Victoria Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter and others. at Whitney Theatre
Rating: PG Year: 1982 Category: Comedy Musical
Director: Blake Edwards Time: 133 min. Writer: Blake Edwards & Hans Hoemburg

Mine: Very funny with a sense of real humanity as well. Most of the characters are well drawn (Norma is the exception). Great stuff. James Garner is great.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Down-and-out singer Andrews masquerades as a man and becomes the toast of Paris cabarets in the 1930s, to the delight of her gay mentor (Preston) and the confusion of an American admirer (Garner). Sophisticated, often hilarious comedy, with Henry Mancini and Leslie Bricusse earning Oscars for their song score and adaptation. Edwards' screenplay is based on VIKTOR UND VIKTORIA, a 1933 German film (remade in 1936 as FIRST A GIRL with Jessie Matthews). Later a Broadway musical. Panavision.
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Julie Andrews Julie Andrews as:
James Garner James Garner as:
King Marchand
Robert Preston as:
Lesley Ann Warren as:
Alex Karras as:
John Rhys-Davies John Rhys-Davies as:
Graham Stark as:
Peter Arne as: