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Two of a Kind
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1.5 Stars
Two of a Kind Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: John Herzfeld Time: 88 min. Writer: John Hersfeld

Mine: Just something that should not have been made. The leads are good looking, but that is all that this has going for it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Puerile fantasy-romance with a script that must have been scrawled on a gum wrapper. A quartet of angels try to persuade God to give the human race another chance--using two pretty unappealing subjects (an inventor-turned-bank robber and a not-so-innocent bank teller) as guinea pigs for the finer qualities of human nature. Just awful.
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John Travolta John Travolta as:
Zack Melon
Olivia Newton-John Olivia Newton-John as:
Debbie Wylder
Charles Durning Charles Durning as:
Beatrice Straight as:
Scatman Crothers as:
Oliver Reed as:
Ernie Hudson Ernie Hudson as:
Det. Staggs
Toni Kalem as: