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Toy Story
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Toy Story Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: With Kim and Kids
Rating: G Year: 1995 Category: Children Action
Director: John Lasseter Time: 81 min. Writer: John Lasseter & Andrew Stanton

Mine: Great animation, interesting story. Some really great voice work by the all star cast. Appealing and charming.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A boy's favorite toy, a cowboy doll named Woody, feels threatened (and rightly so) by the arrival of a new birthday present, a high-tech spaceman model advertised on TV. Clever, incredible-looking animated film, produced entirely on computer. A grownup story masquerading as a kid's film, this story of friendship, fickleness, and the need for acceptance features a colorful cast of characters led by Woody and his rival, Buzz Lightyear. The ``acting'' of the two leads--their facial expressions and body language--is as good as anything ever seen in a conventional animated cartoon. Presented by Disney, but produced by the innovative Pixar studio. Director Lasseter received a special Oscar for this animation milestone.
User Reviews:
debbie's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
jim varney was a real good actor,loved to watch him,would like to have a picture of him if possible...debbie from wv.can not find toy story in stores right now...
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Tom Hanks Tom Hanks as:
Tim Allen Tim Allen as:
Buzz Lightyear
Don Rickles as:
Mr. Potato Head
Jim Varney Jim Varney as:
Slinky Dog
Wallace Shawn Wallace Shawn as:
John Ratzenberger John Ratzenberger as:
Annie Potts Annie Potts as:
Bo Peep
Laurie Metcalf Laurie Metcalf as:
Mrs. Davis