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To Die For
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
To Die For Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Gus Van Sant Time: 106 min. Writer: Buck Henry

Mine: Just dumb. I know that it is supposed to be a satire, but please this is just flat.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Kidman is perfect as a tightly focused sicko who'll stop at nothing, including murder, to reach her goal: a TV career. Based on the real-life case that inspired Joyce Maynard's book, this black comedy seems to make all the right moves, but plays out its story with a surprising lack of irony; by the climax it has nothing more to offer. Douglas is a particular standout as Kidman's sister-in-law, who sees through her artifice from the git-go. George Segal appears unbilled, and the film's screenwriter, Buck Henry, plays a humorless schoolteacher.
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Nicole Kidman Nicole Kidman as:
Suzanne Maretto
Matt Dillon Matt Dillon as:
Marry Maretto
Joaquin Phoenix Joaquin Phoenix as:
Jimmy Emmett
Casey Affleck Casey Affleck as:
Russel Hines
Dan Hedaya Dan Hedaya as:
Joe Maretto
Wayne Knight Wayne Knight as:
Ed Grant
Holland Taylor Holland Taylor as:
Carol Stone
Buck Henry as:
Mr. H. Finlaysson