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Throw Mama From the Train
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Throw Mama From the Train Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1987 Category: Comedy Thriller
Director: Danny DeVito Time: 88 min. Writer: Stu Silver

Mine: Nicely done black comedy. A bit os a strech for Crystal who must abandone his usual smirk for something a bit more interesting. Nice Hitchcock referances.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Black comedy spin-off of Hitchcock's STRANGERS ON A TRAIN, with DeVito (in an excellent performance) as a childish man who tries to persuade his writing professor (Crystal) to ``exchange murders'' with him so he can bump off his harridan of a mother (Ramsey, who's incredible). Uneven, to be sure, and not as all-out funny as you might expect from the starring duo. Director DeVito has many offbeat ideas, and cinematographer Barry Sonnenfeld (who did those wild gags in RAISING ARIZONA) leaves a distinctive stamp on this film--particularly the runaway car sequence. Written by Stu Silver.
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Danny DeVito Danny DeVito as:
Billy Crystal Billy Crystal as:
Kim Greist as:
Anne Ramsey as:
Kate Mulgrew as:
Branford Marsalis as:
Rob Reiner Rob Reiner as:
Bruce Kirby as:
Det. DeBenedetto